Sunday, July 09, 2006
What is FACTA?
Among it's provisions are:
- Gives consumers a right to receive free credit reports
- Allows for disputes directly with data furnishers
- Provides guidelines for the destruction of data, including emails, that contain personal information.
This Federal Law affects every single business that operates in the U.S. CREDITWRENCH as a business is subject to its provisions. (Though operating outside of the law is nothing new for CREDITWRENCH CEO Billie Bauer.)
All business must follow FACTA guidelines when disposing of consumer information. Those businesses that don't are subject to substantial fines, as well as civil remedies.
CREDITWRENCH CEO Billie Bauer recently admitted he doesn't know anything about FACTA, in fact he further admitted he didn't know it was a law.
This fact poses the question of how he handles information about his "students", how he stores such information, and how he disposes of it. He cannot possibly be handling such information in accordance with Federal Law if he doesn't know the law exists.
Before you consider becoming a CREDITWRENCH student, consider what might become of your personal information that you provide to CREDITWRENCH, such as your phone number, address, creditors, ets.
Much more later on the implications of CREDITWRENCH CEO Billie Bauer being unaware of laws with which his business must comply.