Sunday, May 08, 2005

CREDITWRENCH and source material

Yesterday, in an internet post, CREDITWRENCH CEO Billie Bauer revealed how he obtains legal information. Is it state or federal statute? No. Is it case law? No. Is it even an opinion from a judge or a qualified government representative? Again No.

So besides England's Magna Carta, which he has stated is in full force and effect on credit related matters in the United States, what did CREDITWRENCH CEO reveal yesterday as his source of legal information?

An Attorney's Web Site!!!!!!

As anyone with even a 6th grade education knows, anyone can publish a web site and claim anything they want. The CREDITWRENCH website itself is a perfect example that any idiot can publish false, misleading, and fraudulent information anytime they want, and claim to be whatever they choose to be.

Any legitimate attorney's web site will carry a disclaimer that you shouldn't rely on it for legal advise, similar to the disclaimer you will find on this blog.

Why is that? Because any situation regarding matters of law has its own unique set of facts. Whether it's a matter of contract law, criminal law, business law, etc. something as simple as a single unique word can influence a court decision. Just as a doctor will not recommend a course of treatment without first seeing a patient, no attorney will offer legal advise without first reviewing the facts.

Uncle Normie cites applicable statute and case law to support his positions, CREDITWRENCH CEO Billie Bauer cites the Magna Carta and an attorney's web to support his.

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