Sunday, April 03, 2005


Recently, in a disagreement with many credit professionals, CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer threatened: is a few more combatants and as of now I'm going to make sure they learn about this message board....And if I ever get banned I will then double and triple the amount of...debt collector bashers in here

Unable to maintain any professional demeanor, even on a message forum, CREDITWRENCH Bill Bauer is only able to resort to harassing threats to support his postions. This is the primary reason he has been banned from all other credit forums on the internet. The secondary reason is his continued insistence on spreading false and misleading information as I have pointed out numerous times on this blog

The courts define harassment as "repeated, unwanted contact from a person or group of people". CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer's suggestion that he will enlist numerous others to disrupt the current friendly atmosphere of a particular message board, certainly fits the legal definition of harassment.

In recent years, the courts have extended to internet communications, the Federal stalking and harassment statutes including 18 USC § 2261A and 47 USC § 223. In fact, the landmark case of United States v. Young, 1999 U.S. App. LEXIS 32721 (4th Cir. 1999) led to the ammendement of the above statute to include the internet.

CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer is now treading on very thin ice. The resources of this board he is threatening run deeper than he might imagine. It isn't confined to a group of people living paycheck to paycheck who's only concern is how to avoid the creditor appearing on caller ID that he is used to. I would imagine that, with little provocation, there are a number of people that would be willing to take appropriate legal action against him for his recent threats.

As he advertises on his website, CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer advocates suing debt collectors for violating the law. However, he fails to see how he himself is not above the law.

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