Tuesday, March 01, 2005

CREDITWRENCH and false identities

CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer has been banned from almost every single message board on the internet that deals with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. There are numerous reasons for his being banned, but the main two are:
  1. He uses other's sites to promote his credit repair scam
  2. He provides false and misleading information

Sometimes to circumvent these bans, he creates other identities. In doing so, he utilizes the new identity to praise how wonderful he is.

That's not all. Then this fictional character he invents, creates other fictional characters, all pointed to one goal; praising CREDITWRENCH.

A classic example of this is his alter ego he calls KayKay29. I was the first to identify this fictional creation on CI as none other than CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer. Others then came along and offered addtional proof to support my suspicions.

However, prior to KayKay29 being exposed as CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer, KayKay29 creates a boyfriend for herself; an attorney.

KayKay29 then goes on to claim her attorney boyfriend came up against a CREDITWRENCH student, and the student, on his own, won a $100,000 lawsuit.

Of course, since it turns out KayKay29 was actually CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer, that blew the cover off the made up $100,000 lawsuit won by a CREDITWRENCH student.

Tomorrow, I'll expose another made up character claiming to be a "winning" student.

CREDITWRENCH posing as KayKay29 and claiming a CREDITWRENCH student won a $100,000 judgment is false and misleading information.

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