Saturday, February 26, 2005

CREDITWRENCH and credit repair Part VI

One of the schemes that people like CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer, who rely on the teachings of other credit repair scam artists such as John Ghila, Bud Hibbs, etc., is the use of an Accord and Satisfaction to help you repair your credit.

In order to give you an idea of how little CREDITWRENCH CEO Bauer understands about what an Accord and Satisfaction is and what it does, I'll quote an excerpt from a discussion of his:

Sometimes the A & S is also known as a Novation.

No Mr. Bauer, an A & S has never been known as a Novation in any court of law.

Tomorrow, I will explain the legal theories of an Accord & Satisfaction, and a Novation, and the distinct difference between the two. Once again proving that CREDITWRENCH Bill Bauer statements are false and misleading.

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