Wednesday, February 23, 2005
CREDITWRENCH and credibility
In a recent discussion with CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer, Mr. Bauer mentioned that he used a service called Briefly you use this similar to any web based mail server, but your mail is sent on an iframe script. When you open your HTML mail client, the script is automatically executed and your header information is returned to the sender, just as if you replied to the mail.
Mr. Bauer sent me several emails in order to try and ascertain my IP address. Of course Uncle Normie has a much more extensive background in computers than does Mr. Bauer, and he know to never open any kind of email in an HTML environment. Mr. Bauer has apparently been burned in the past due to his lack of knowledge that thought I would do the same.
Unbeknownst to Mr. Bauer, I open all of my email in a text editor. Any jpegs or other formatted enclosures show as a binary attachment which I can then open offline; never a chance of anything being returned.
Of course having been defeated, Mr. Bauer claimed he had a special Business Pro edition of mail tracking and obtained my information anyway.
I inquired with as to this special Business Pro edition. Their response? There is no such thing. The online free trial version contains all of the "bells and whistles" they have ever produced.
CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer simply lied again. Tomorrow I will do a complete series of all of CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer's recent false claims.