Monday, January 31, 2005


On his message board, CREDITWRENCH CEO Bill Bauer, gives the following advice to a poster:

"1.) FDCPA states that after receipt of the debtor's demand for validation he may not contact the debtor again until such time as he has completed his validation and mailed it to the debtor with the sole exception that within 5 days he must do two things. He must notify the debtor that he has received the debtor's demand for validation and will not contact the debtor again for any reason until the validation is completed. 2.) He must within 5 days after receipt of the debtor's demand for vaildation notify the credit bureaus that the listing is disputed by the debtor."

Read the FDCPA. It outlines none of the requirements above as was advised the unwary poster.

All of the above statements by CREDITWRENCH are false and misleading.

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